RWTH Videos
These Videos Connect with
Runnin' With the Horses Content
View these companion videos to Runnin' With The Horses: Heavenly Places - Perspectives of an Overcomer for added insight. The best time to view them is listed in the text.
The Purpose Leads to the Perspective!
"My main purpose here, friends, is to offer a space – a setting of thoughts, lessons, scars, battles, victories, revelations, discoveries, decrees, reflections, and questions, that took many scales from my eyes, caused me to connect with GOD and begin to clearly see and walk in my designed purpose - the Heavenly Place – the perspective of the OVERCOMER.
As you travel though this space, I pray that you also will find that which will catapult you and take you FARTHER than you have ever been before – right into the center of your purpose, and the GOD-Kind of perspective for your life.
To help with this I was blessed to craft a multi-platform learning experience – to allow you time to fully examine and come to better know - you. Along the way, you will be presented with questions to reflect upon and space to write your thoughts. You will also find links that access audio and video messages from me and others whom I have learned much from throughout my journey.
You are deeply important. So, take your time and allow yourself to explore the NEXT LEVEL of reflection, introspection, connection, and revelation that will all lead to the discovery of your divine perspective."